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Get Involved in 2017

The Who? What? When? and Where?

Everyone, everywhere is welcome and encouraged to participate in the Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Chisholm Trail in 2017.  

Even if you are a very small community, consider having a Cowboy Poetry night, cowboy film in the park or a simple exhibit of Chisholm Trail history in your local library, town hall or school foyer.

Larger communities might consider parades, cowboy camps to see the cowboy lifestyle, or a cowboy-themed play with your local theater company.  Libraries or reading circles could have a Chisholm Trail era book club. You may also consider utilizing some of the events you already have, such as an annual festival, by adding some Chisholm Trail “goodness.”  

Events that are not necessarily cowboy related; 5K runs, car shows, Fourth of July Parades; could add some context or theme in 2017.  The 2017  Over-the-Hill 5K Celebrates the Chisholm Trail! 

Click on our Ideas tab for more suggestions.

Click on our Events tab for a schedule or to submit your event to the calendar.

Click on our Speakers and Performers tab for a list of people that can be hired for your events.


At this time, no funds have been set aside for public support of the 150th Anniversary of the Chisholm Trail in 2017.  (In cowboy terms … the government ain’t going to pay for this.)

If is is to Be … It is up to Me.  

In this case, it will be up to each entity to raise money to support their local efforts.  

Working together through websites like this one, the Chisholm Trail 150 facebook page, and the help of the State Departments of Tourism, Regional Marketing Associations, county groups, local Chambers, Main Streets, Convention & Visitors Bureaus and lots of Cowboy friends, we are cross-promoting and getting the word out to

Come to the Chisholm Trail in 2017 and Celebrate with us! 

We especially appreciate the help of the Oklahoma and Kansas International Travel Liaison, who is supporting the Celebration throughout Europe.

Currently, several groups in all three states are raising money by contacting corporate sponsors and private donors.  If you would like to donate to a statewide-celebration, please contact the appropriate representative below.

Kansas - 

International Chisholm Trail Association, Dennis R. Katzenmeier, President, 412 S. Campbell Street, Abilene, KS 67410

Cell 785-643-8656, Office 785-263-2681[email protected],

Oklahoma - 

Chisholm Trail Heritage Center Association, Stacy Cramer Moore, Executive Director, 1000 Chisholm Trail Parkway, Duncan, OK  73533

Office 580-252-6692, [email protected],

Texas -

Texas Lakes Trail Association, Jill Campbell Jordan, Executive Director, 116 West Bridge St., Granbury, TX 76048

Cell 817-559-2288, Office 817-573-1114[email protected]